Baby Chat

Wednesday mornings 10.00 - 11.15am in The Fellowship Room

For babies up to 12 months old (or just starting to walk) and their parents / carers.

Come along for a chat, a drink and a short song-time.

There is a small cost of £1 per adult.

Dates for Winter Term 2020


Tuesday 18th April to Tuesday 23rd May 7.45pm - 9.30pm.

We are running another Parenting Course using the Care for the Family ‘Parentalk’ material.

This DVD-led course is open to anyone with children between the ages of 0-11 and will include plenty of time for discussion as well as refreshments and homemade cakes!

The cost for the six week course is £15 and is open to either one or both parents.

The topics covered include:

  • It’s not just me

  • Battles and boundaries

  • Love them and let them know – looking at the five love languages

  • Creating a sense of belonging • Listening and talking

  • Parenting with elastic – encouraging independence and responsibility

Messy Church

This is a mix of activities and children’s worship aimed at families with young children.

It takes place from 4-6pm on the second Sunday of each month.

It is fun, creative and there’s always food to follow a very short, child-friendly service in Church.

The first hour involves a range of craft activities and games to get involved in, which link in with a different Bible theme or story each month.

Our themes have varied from Messy Gardens, the story of The Good Samaritan, Joseph and his coat of many colours, a Messy Olympics and we’ve even had a Messy Baptism and Thanksgiving!

At 5pm we have a short service in Church, based on the afternoon’s theme, usually with a story and a couple of songs and then everyone has a ‘Bring and Share’ tea together in the Main Hall, finishing around 6pm.

Who Let the Dads Out

This is a playgroup for dads, granddads and their pre-school aged children. It takes place from 10 -11.30am on the third Saturday of every month (September to November and January to June inclusive) at Bramhall Methodist Church.

It is open to all dads and granddads with pre-school aged children who would like to spend some time with their young ones in a playgroup setting.

Numbers vary, but it is usually attended by between 20-35 dads/granddads and their children.

Bacon butties are always served with hot drinks and then there’s squash and biscuits for the children.

Messy play, a craft activity and lots of toys, jigsaws and ride-on vehicles are available and there is a safe baby corner for the very young ones.

We usually finish with a story time from 11.20am.

Please feel free to turn up on the day but if you are able to let us know that you will be coming, this is really helpful for catering numbers.

If you would like more information, please contact Richard Baker at or telephone 07434 422996.

Time Out

The 3rd Thursday of every month at 8pm in the Centrepoint Coffee Shop

Discussions on topical themes including Parenting, Faith and Family Life

16th January - Faith Discussion with Leslie Newton

DVD and talk followed by time for group discussion

20th February - Love Parenting with Isobel Tollerfield

Topical DVD material based on a variety of parenting issues and everyday challenges.

The material offers helpful suggestions as well as an opportunity for open discussions.

20th March - Faith Discussion with Leslie Newton

DVD and talk followed by time for group discussion

10th April - Social Evening - Jewellery Party

15th May - Relax Kids with Emma Stewart

Confidence building, creativity and relaxation tools to use with children

19th June - Rowley Projects with Angela Rowley

An update on the work taking place in a small rural community in Kenya

17th July - Book Review and Social Evening

Love parenting

Indulge in some child-free time to love parenting!

After the success of the parenting courses run by Bramhall Methodist Church, we are running a follow-up group.

We would like to invite you to join us for some child-free time to get to know each other better and to reflect on the ups and downs of parenting.

We will be meeting at Bramhall Methodist Church on 7 occasions between January and July and would love you to join us.

Each time we meet we will be watching a short Care for the Family parenting talk on DVD followed by some structured discussion related to the DVD as well as some time for relaxed conversation and reflection. Refreshments provided.

Fun activities / crèche will also be provided for 0-5 year old children.

All organisers + helpers have CRB clearance.

Topics covered:

You’re not alone

The gift of acceptance

The testing child

Building a sense of value

Defending the boundaries


Do what you can

To book your place please call (0161) 439 1204 or e-mail

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Jesus at the heart of life

We are a lively, accessible and faith-centred family. Like all families there are big differences of age, interest and personality between different family members – but like all good families we are bound closely together by love and care, and most importantly by faith and shared vision.

A growing family

We are a large church family, with over 420 members and many others who are linked with us through attendance at worship, being part of one or other of our projects or activities. We are glad to be welcoming new people nearly every week, and able to offer a place to belong and grow in faith.

An all-age family

We have a good age -range, literally from 0 to nearly 100. We are so fortunate to have good numbers in nearly every age-range and from a whole range of backgrounds, meaning that newcomers can usually quickly find people with whom they can quickly relate.

A family of faith

We are a people united in our faith in God through Jesus Christ and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire our life together.

A family that worships God

Our life of worship is very important. We offer a range of worship services at different times and in different styles, making worship as accessible to as many people as possible.

A family that is growing together

We are committed to growing closer to each other. We seek to do this through good caring relationships and through small groups where people study, pray and have good times together.

A family committed to serving the community and wider world

We have many projects that serve the community and seek to make a positive contribution to the community. We see our village-centre location as a great privilege and are seeking to build good relationships with local businesses and community groups. We are also committed to sharing our resources with those in particular need around the world, and in supporting those who are subject to injustice.

A family helping people discover faith for themselves

We want to help people make links between their lives and God. We have a powerful gospel to tell, and try to find as many ways as we possibly can to help people hear of God's love for them in Jesus. We also try to be as welcoming a church as we can so that people can quickly belong in our midst.

A family of blurred edges

We want to offer everyone who comes into contact with our church the chance to belong at a level that is right for them. This may be by helping in one of our projects, or coming along to worship, or learning more about faith in a course. In being this kind of church we take seriously the idea that life is a journey and coming to faith is a journey too. It takes time to come to faith from no faith, and we are here to allow people to be on that journey and to help them whenever and however we can.