Fellowship and friendship.

We value the opportunity to share fellowship with one another and provide many different regular opportunities for individuals to get together to build friendships in a variety of different environments. These are a great way to meet different people within the life of the church and many find these groups are an easy way to get more involved.

Each group and activity is open to new members and offers a great way of inviting new friends along, to experience more of the fellowship and love which is at the heart the gospel message.

Sports and activities.


Senior Badminton meet in the Community Hub behind church on Mondays from 8-10pm, with ladies meeting on Wednesday from 1.30-3pm.

Enquiries to the church office please on office@bramhallmethodists.org.uk

Indoor Bowling

During winter months a group of 12-15 people meet 2-4pm on Tuesday afternoons in the Community Hub at church for short mat indoor bowls. No previous knowledge is needed.

New members very welcome.

Please contact Ian on 0161 440 8573 for further info.

Rambling Club

We are a group of 10-12 retirees who undertake walks of between 7-8 miles every other Saturday.

Meet in the car park behind the health centre at 9.30am. Please bring a packed lunch.

Please email office@bramhallmethodists.org.uk if you would like to join us so we know to look out for you. Everyone welcome.


Art Group

The group meets every Monday in the Community Hub at the back of Church from 2-4pm. Members bring their own materials - watercolours, oil, acrylic and pastels are all used - we spend a pleasant afternoon together. There is no formal tuition, it’s just for fun.

We look forward to seeing you. Refreshments and a warm welcome await. Contact Helen via 07506 988440.

Fellowship groups.


This meeting for ladies on alternate Thursdays at 2.30pm in the Community Hub.

It offers worship, fellowship, refreshments, a range of quality speakers and themes with occasional outings. £3 per week, unless a special event. Any questions, please ring June on 0161 440 0570.