Baptisms and Thanksgivings
People have different reasons for wanting to celebrate baptism or thanksgiving.
It may be the arrival of a child, or to mark a commitment to faith. We would love to talk with you about how we can join in your celebration.
Baptisms or Thanksgivings are often a mark of celebration for the arrival of a child - whether to publicly give thanks to God or to introduce the child to the life and family of the Christian church.
Either of these services will offer an opportunity to celebrate this important moment in your family's life within a spiritual context. As part of our welcome and commitment to you family, each child will receive a small bag of gifts, including a Bible and a certificate.
Baptism, with water, usually takes place during one of our two Sunday morning services which both start at 10am, either in the service in Church or in the more informal worship setting during Connect at the Centrepoint Hall.
Parents often choose to have Godparents, and they are included and recognised within the service; both Parents and Godparents make promises to God to raise the child in the Christian faith.
If you would prefer a Thanksgiving Service or Dedication, the format and wording can be chosen in discussion with the Minister. The service will include prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for the child. Godparents can be included. This service is ideal for those who do not feel comfortable in making the baptism promises, or who would prefer to leave to their child the choice as to whether to be baptised later in life.
Can we help with your questions?
Can we record the ceremony and take photos?
Yes you can.
How much does it cost?
There are no costs at all - the service is free.
Do the Parents and Godparents need to have been baptised?
No - but it is important that they can feel comfortable with the promises they are asked to take.
Is there an age limit for the child?
No - in fact you don’t have to be a child to be baptised. If you haven’t been baptised and would like to talk about this public profession of Christian faith - then we would be delighted to talk to you.
How many Godparents should I choose?
This is your decision. There is no set number, and it varies from family to family.
How can I find out more?
Please get in touch with our Church Office on office@bramhallmethodists.org.uk or with our minister, Rev Sarah Parkin on sarah@bramhallmethodists.org.uk or Catherine, our Children and Family worker on cfw@bramhallmethodists.org.uk

Our church offers a welcoming and flexible venue for marriages….

and we are able to offer:
a beautiful and traditional building
picturesque setting for photographs
fine music
beautiful flowers
church stewards
technological provision in terms of video-projection and PA
We believe we are a very attractive choice for couples seeking their wedding venue. Perhaps most importantly of all, we offer sensitive and personal guidance throughout the planning of the service, including some preparation for married life beyond the ceremony.
We are also a thriving church family where couples who choose can discover a journey of faith and belonging.
If you would like to know more about being married in our church please click this link or contact our minister, Rev Sarah Parkin on sarah@bramhallmethodists.org.uk