Carbon Footprint Calculators

A range of different carbon footprint calculators can be found by searching for “Carbon Footprint Calculator UK”. We suggest on of the following three (click on the underlined heading to take you to the web-site):

Carbon Independent

This has a slightly old-fashioned interface but only takes a couple of minutes to fill in if you use the estimates of the size of your house or the fuel economy of your car. It only takes a few more minutes more if you’ve got more detailed information to hand. The amount of carbon generated by each area of activity is clearly displayed and you can get a simple printout of your results with some comparison figures from different countries around the world. We suggest you use this and bring the printout along to Session 5 of “Why and How shoud the church respond to climate change?

Carbon Footprint

This feels slightly more robust and allows for a more detailed breakdown of miscellaneous items. It also has a database to allow you to look up the fuel economy of your make and model of car. The output is less graphical and there is no obvious way to print out or otherwise save your results.


This has the slickest interface and feels convincing. Because of the way the data are summarises it is a little more difficult to see which areas are contributing what to you overall footrprint. There is no obvious way to print out your results.

Note: The different calculators use different options and differnt calculations so may give different results. They will all however give you a good overall estimate of how much carbon dioxide you are responsible for each year and the comparative contribution of different parts of your life.
