Climate year at BMC

A year of activities focussing on the challenge of the climate emergency over the months to the CoP meering in Glasgow in November 2021.

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Eco Church

We received our Bronze Award for A Rocha’s EcoChurch scheme in March 2021 and our Silver Award in November 2021. Both are on display in the Welcome Area.

 Touching the Earth Lightly

A creative exploration of the climate emergency and our response to it

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Praying for our Planet

A series of seven weekly webinars took place in May & June where a different scientist (who is also a Christian) and whose work relates to the climate and ecological emergency will talk about their science and how it affects the way that they prayer (what they feel it is appropriate to pray for and how they express their prayers).

Recordings are available to watch, click the tab below.

Hosted this in partnership with Greater Manchester Churches Together.


Greening Easter

In Easter Season 2021 (between Easter Day and Pentecost) we challenged members of the congregation to take different actions to care for the planet by publishing a series of suggestions in our weekly newsletter. These were used as a basis for the pledges we asked people to make later in the year.

Make CoP 26 Count

We are part of a network of 35 churches across the country who are participating in this project organised by USPG and Hope for the Future. Each of the churches has agreed to:

  • Put on a Climate Sunday service (ours was on 21st February)

  • Take a practical action (ours will be to register as an eco church)

  • Take a political action (we are hoping to arrange a meeting with our MP)

Why and how should the church respond to the climate emergency?

As series of six small group discussion sessions (originally delivered in Lent 2021)

Climate Sunday

Climate Sunday is an initiative encouraging all local churches across Great Britain & Ireland to hold a climate-focused service on any Sunday before COP26 (November 2021).

The vision is to leave a lasting legacy of thousands of churches better equipped to address this critical issue as part of their discipleship and mission and to make a significant contribution to civil society efforts to secure adequate national and international action at COP26. You can read more at this link.

We held Climate Sunday on 21st February to mark the start of our climate year, with services led by Rev Geoff Barnard in Church and Andrew Pennells in Connect.