On Earth Hour each year people round the world turn their lights off for an hour from 8:30pm (local time) to raise awareness of the challenge of climate change. Many famous buildings turn their floodlights off including Sydney Harbour Bridge, Tokyo Skytree, the Kremlin, the Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, Houses of Parliament, Empire State Building, Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio. Many millions of families in over 180 countires will also be turning off the lights within their homes around the world.
In our Climate Year we are encouraging members of our congregation to share in this event and to encourage friends and family to do so as well.
Earth Hour is a non-religious event promoted by WWF (much more information on their website). As a church we want to share in this event as a sign of our solidarity with all the world’s people as we face this challenge together
A challenge of our own!
We’re going a little further in challenging you to cook a planet friendly candlelit meal (vegetarian or vegan) to eat after you turn the lights out at 8:30pm on Saturday 27th March. You might want to cook it first with the lights on and then serve it as the lights go out!
Post a picture and tell us what you cooked on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (#earthhourbramhall).
Even better why not join up with friends on Zoom (if you are not keen on eating on video then turn the camera off or arrange for a chat over coffee afterwards).
If you are struggling for recipes then there are loads on the internet. We suggest these links:
WWF’s “Healthy and sustainable recipes”
Friends of the Earth’s “16 cheap vegetarian recipes that taste amazing”
or this amazing vegan mushroom strognoff that I cooked last night.