Giving to the church.
We really appreciate your financial support to ensure that we can continue to operate and grow.
If you are on Internet banking
If you are on internet or telephone banking and give by standing order it is straightforward to review and adjust your standing order using your normal internet bank. Please just put the change through and we will pick it up from the bank statement.
If you are on internet banking and give via the envelope scheme or via loose cash and want to give through a standing order instead please set up the standing order and if an existing member of the envelope scheme, use your envelope number as a reference. We will pick it up from the bank statement.
If you are on internet banking and wish to make a one-off or occasional gift please make your gift direct into the bank account and in the reference mark it 'loose cash’.
If you would like to contribute a gift to any Communion Collection please make your gift direct into the bank account and in the reference mark it for the relevant communion collection. For example: IJM (April) or Christian Aid (May). We will identify the amounts and pay them over to the Charity. We will be giving more details about this as the month proceeds
Bank Account name | Bramhall Methodist Church General Account |
Bank | National Westminster Branch - Bramhall |
Sort-code | 01-01-14 |
Account number | 83531688 |
If you are not on Internet Banking
1. If you would like to change your standing order you will need to contact your bank to put the change through.
As it is a standing order, we are not able to make any alteration.
Alternatively, you can download a standing order form by clicking here, complete it and post it to your bank and tell your bank this supersedes your existing standing order.
Or, you can contact Brian Couch (using the procedure outlined below) and he will post a paper copy standing order form to you to complete and send it to your bank. Again, we will pick up the amounts from the bank statement.
2. If you wish to set up a new standing order then the same methods as above can be used, i.e. download from the website here, or contact Brian Couch, complete the form and send it on to your bank.
3. If you do want make a one-off or occasional gift, you can send cheques by post, made out to Bramhall Methodist Church, (absolutely no cash) to Bramhall Methodist Church, 23 Bramhall Lane South SK7 1AL, marked for the attention of Claire Lee. Please put ‘Loose Cash’ on the back of the cheque.
4. Similarly, if you wish to make a contribution to a Communion Collection then send a cheque made out to Bramhall Methodist Church for the attn of Claire Lee at the above address. Please note on the back of the cheque which Communion Collection this relates to (i.e. the name of the charity). This will then be put with all the other money raised and sent on to the particular charity. Absolutely no cash please.
Note the Church buildings are inspected regularly and post will be collected and forwarded to Claire.
Gift Aid.
For those people who are taxpayers and who give to the Church we can claim 25% of your gift back from the government. If you are in that category and give regularly to the Church and are not already part of the Gift Aid scheme then please download the Gift Aid Declaration Form, complete it and return it to Bramhall Methodist Church 23, Bramhall Lane South SK7 1AL for the attn of Paul Langton. If you do not have access to the internet contact Paul Langton and he will be able to supply you with a form.
All giving to the Church is completely confidential.
There are only three people who have access to the bank statements these are John Sandford (Finance Co-ordinator), Claire Lee (Church Treasurer) and Paul Langton (Gift Aid Co-ordinator). We do not share the individual giving information from the bank statements with anyone else. Brian Couch has access to information on the envelope scheme and he does not share it with anyone else.
To contact the above-named people please ring the Church Office on 0161 439 1204 and leave a message giving your name and phone number and the nature of your query and the person you wish to speak with. The messages are reviewed each workday, and the relevant person will return your call.