Prof John Evans
Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Southampton
What can we do?
7:30pm Thursday 10th June
Biography (link to his webpage at University of Southampton)
John was Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and since also served as Head of School and Dean of Science. He was Science Program Advisor at the Diamond Light Source from 2002-2007, and a visiting scientist at Diamond and a research associate at the Research Complex at Harwell from 2001-2017. His research has been involved in developing the understanding of catalytic reactions, particularly in designing new in situ methods to probe catalyst structure.
More recently, and in response to a growing awareness of the climate emergency, he has re-focussed his work on sustainable chemistry. He developed an undergraduate module in this and has recently published the textbook, Elements of a Sustainable World.
He is a Methodist Local Preacher and influential in guiding his local church to accreidation with Eco Church at gold level. His YouTube channel, Stewarding precious Earth provides suggestions to individuals, faith groups and local churches who are seeking sustainable ways in the face of the climate emergency and biodiversity collapse.
My research had studied the way in which automotive catalysts reduced the level of toxic gases in our local environment, so improving air quality. I had only made a very fuzzy link between this and climate change. This changed at a scientific symposium at which the crisis caused by greenhouse gas emissions became stark to me. I thought this to be an Ezekiel moment, not so much a ‘dry bones’ one as a ‘watchman’ role. This has been a prime issue in my retirement from an academic career. Firstly I initiated and taught a new course on Sustainable Chemistry, which I have since amplified into a textbook.
When A Rocha announced Eco Church in 2016 my local church was mid-way in a project called Renewal, renewal of building, energy efficiency and spirit. The synergy was evident and took us to a Silver Award in 18 months. The church then naturally refined its ways and was awarded a Gold in May of 2020. Churches nationally are moving to targets of Carbon Zero by 2030. This will be a wake-up call for us all to find out what that means and how it might be achieved.
Our pathway was founded on a pattern of worship and teaching in tune with having been a Fairtrade church. Prayers, addresses and communions also nurtured the spirit of creation care. Rowan Williams’ book Being Christian provides a thoughtful approach to reflection and prayer, using the insights of the early church to show how we pray in Jesus’ name and in Jesus’ place. We all face decisions about our lifestyle that stem from that.
The video time bar is divided into sections to allow you to find particular parts of the recordings - or use the timings in the list below.
Time | Item | Speaker | |
0:00:00 | Opening Devotions | Rev Sarah Parkin | |
0:03:51 | Introduction to speaker | Dr Richard Baker | |
0:04:53 | Main Talk | Prof John Evans | |
0:47:34 | Q&A | Prof John Evans | |
0:53:96 | Reflection on prayer | Prof John Evans | |
1:03:50 | Discussion | Prof John Evans | |
1:29:48 | Closing devotions | Dr Richard Baker |
John referred to several useful web-sites and books in his presentation:
Eco church – a scheme to allow your church to consider how it responds to the climate and ecological emergency across a range of areas of church life.
Climate Emergency Toolkit - another web-site providing advice to churches wishing to acknolwedge and respond to the climate emergecny.
Climate Stewards – A Christian charity helping you to calculate your carbon footprint (including the 360° carbon calculator for churches) and then to offset your emissions.
Hope for the Future – a charity supporting churches (and other groups) to engage with local and national politicians.
Climate Justice for All (and on Twitter @ClimateJust4All)- the World Methodist Council’s response to the cliamte emergency.
Stewarding Precious Earth - John’s own YouTube channel.
Being Christian – Book by Rowan Williams.
Andrew’s hymn
In response to John’s abstract, Andrew wrote this hymn:
To work with God we need to learn
each nuance of this earth,
the way the planet shifts and moves,
its treasures, all their worth.
We search out every finite source,
yet sometimes lack the care
to measure out just what we need,
to leave some resting there.And now we start to comprehend
not just this worldly wealth,
but how its use can build, enhance,
or damage earthly health;
not just the strength of humankind,
but climate’s synergy, t
he balance on which life depends
for its vivacity.So now we learn to understand
the calling of our race,
to stand in watch, to call and act,
within each time and place;
not just renewing white bleached bones
or raising dead to life,
but clothing every word with love,
where hatred once was rife.
7/6/2021 Andrew Pratt
Words © 2021 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England . Please include any reproduction for local church use on your CCL Licence returns. All wider and any commercial use requires prior application to Stainer & Bell Ltd
Metre: CMD