Dr Cecilia Medupin
Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Manchester
We’re all in this together
7:30pm, Wednesday 23rd June 2021
Biography (link to her webpage at the University of Manchester)
Cecilia is a Lecturer in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Natural Sciences. She has previously worked with the UK Environment Agency, Sellafield Limited, other companies in both the UK and Nigeria and, lectured at the National Open University in Nigeria. Her PhD examined the impact of point source pollution on an urban river.
Cecilia is passionate about citizen science as a way of engaging with school students, women and minority communities. She is passionate about the involvement of research in knowledge-exchange and public engagement. Recently, Cecilia engaged children and adults to a theme What’s in your river? at a family fun day at Saints Joseph & Edward Roman Catholic Church, Longsight, Manchester as part of her strategy for inclusive public engagement. She is the Convener of Women in Environmental Sciences and is also a co-lead with the National Environmental Research Council’s research project the National Community for Engaging Environments. In a recent paper Cecilia explored the role of women in environemental sciences in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Our freshwaters including our rivers, lakes and seas are critical to our living, livelihoods and the sustenance of our planet. While sea water constitutes 96.5% of the global waters, less than 4% is freshwater constituting lakes, rivers and glaciers. Climate change and, human impact on our freshwaters also imply that far less than 4% is available for human consumption and sanitation. The protection of our freshwaters and the biodiversity living beneath these waters are the responsibilities of all peoples if we are to remain on the planet for longer. The concept of environmental stewardship as described in the book of Genesis 1:26, 28; 2:5 is a call for men, women, young, old of diverse places to partake in the protection and conservation of our freshwaters. This talk will provide examples of human impact, pandemics such as Covid-19 and, climate change on freshwater resources and the implications for non-protection. As God’s co-labourers who have the mandate of dominion and protection of our natural resources, the talk will seek to explore these connections including the role of women in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and, it will provide insight into how Christians and churches can respond to these challenges by implementing effective practical actions.
The video time bar is divided into sections to allow you to find particular parts of the recordings - or use the timings in the list below.
Time | Item | Speaker |
0:01:26 | Opening devotions | Rev Andrew Lunn |
0:06:36 | Introduction to speaker | Dr Richard Baker |
0:08:28 | First talk | Dr Cecilia Medupin |
1:01:30 | Q&A | Dr Cecilia Medupin |
1:04:08 | Second talk | Dr Cecilia Medupin |
1:11:42 | Discussion | Dr Cecilia Medupin |
1:15:47 | Closing devotions | Dr Richard Baker |
Andrew’s hymn
In response to Steph’s abstract, Andrew wrote this hymn:
Dry, cracked and crazed the water-bed lies empty,
the earth is thirsty, rain is slow to come,
this news is hidden, floods have filled the headlines,
the prophets now, not heard, might well be dumb.This is the earth the ground of life, our being,
our home to share, to nurture and protect,
a gift of God for us and all God’s creatures,
to use our knowledge, work to good effect.As people wait, the wells of life are barren,
how long, O God, before your people learn
that we must live and love and work together,
to answer needs that science can discern.The brightest light of wisdom dims in sadness,
if we ignore the needs of all the earth,
if selfishly we dominate creation,
deny the love once given at our birth.Great God, earth mother, father of creation,
we plead and cry that you will hear each voice,
then motivate your people, bring fresh waters,
till earth can sing and once again rejoice!
Andrew Pratt 18/6/2021
Words © 2021 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England copyright@stainer.co.uk . Please include any reproduction for local church use on your CCL Licence returns. All wider and any commercial use requires prior application to Stainer & Bell Ltd Metre:
More hymns from this series on Andrew’s blog.