Praying for Our Planet

Seven scientists talk about their science, their faith and the climate and ecological emergency


The recordings are grouped together here but can also be seen on the individual pages for each speaker (navigate from the programme page) which also include copies of the slides (if the speaker made them available) and of the hymn or hymns written by Andrew.

0:00:00Opening devotionsRev Sarah Parkin
0:02:15Introduction to speakerDr Richard Baker
0:03:25Main talkDr Mike Morecroft
0:47:00Questions and answersDr Mike Morecroft
0:53:00Reflection on prayerDr Mike Morecroft
1:03:45Post breakoutDr Mike Morecroft
1:07:28Closing devotionsRev Dr Andrew Pratt
0:00:00Opening devotionsRev Sarah Parkin
0:03:03Introduction to speakerDr Richard Baker
0:03:50Main talkChris Walsh
0:38:45Questions and answersChris Walsh
0:44:31Reflection on prayerChris Walsh
0:54:10Post breakoutChris Walsh
0:57:55Closing devotionsRev Dr Andrew Pratt

More to follow