In the lead up to and during Touching the Earth Lightly we offered people an opportunity to make a pledge of how they are going to respond to the climate emergency. Some (mostly members of the congregation) wrote these on fabric leaves that were incorporated into the new banners in church and others (mostly those attending the festival) wrote these on paper leaves that they hung on our pledge tree. The list below is of the pledges made.
I pledge to …
use the 3rs
grow more vegetables
restyle my clothes instead of buying new
travel less
find out about guppy boys
help the beavers
promote yummy vegan food
eat less meat
walking more, plant more trees
try to recycle more and eat less meat
plant a tree and make bug friendly spaces in the garden
drive less
turn off TV when not watching
recycle more rubbish
eat less meat
don't kill bugs
to continue to eat less meat after my trial period in October
to be more mindful of what I buy in the supermarket
walk more - drive less
eat less meat and cut out red meat
carry on recycling and try to do more
no holidays abroad
already eat less meat, will now buy less clothes
not use pesticides in the garden, grow plants that are bee friendly
see how things grow
use less energy
eat less meat
eat less meat, use my car less, walk more and recycle
take the car less
try not to waste bread
start a local litter pick in Poynton and use less single use plastic
recycle more
don't use electric shaver and grow a beard
buy less clothes and wear the ones we have more often
volunteer for conservation efforts
eat less meat, fewer sausages (back might be difficult)
walk more instead of using my car
use less water and electricity, fewer carrier bags and less petrol
eat less meat each week
at least two meat free days
not use plastic disposable carrier bags
be more conscious of the environment
eat more vegan meals and keep working locally
eat less meat
no new clothes, all second hand, reduce meat consumption
being careful about food consumption and what I buy and where from. Buy local produce.
if I buy clothes brand new at all make sure they will degrade
we will try 2 meat free days a week.
not waste food
have a weekly vegetarian day
buy less of everything, second hand clothes are the best
meat free Monday
less travel - creating new garden
walk more - eat less red meat
help save the planet by recycling
look into reducing domestic fuel usage
use less petrol and buy a hybrid car
eat less meat (at least 2 days a week)
reduce meat consumption
shower only when necessary
cut down on heating
make things last longer before having to renew them
buy fewer clothes
use less plastic products
buy charity shop clothes, turn heating down, grow all I can in the garden
recycling and planting trees
continue, keep on keeping on
stop eating meat and save the planet
stop drinking alcohol
recycle my rubbish
give up drinking from plastic bottles
moan more so people get the message and do more
be there on 6th November
shop local
go by bike
turn lights off
buy my veg from the local shop
serena will save
eat less meat and more
never use the car to move around the village
turn off lights
use paperless bills
electric car
walk more
stay in the UK
use bars of soap not the bottle
holiday in the UK
compost peelings
use less plastic
shorten shower time
walk or cycle whenever possible
buy more local grown produce
walk more
look after God's wonderful creation