Open minds.
Open hearts.
Open doors.

We are a lively, accessible and faith-centred family, with a heart to serve our local community.

Our calling is to live out God’s mission in Bramhall, through loving and faithful service.

Church notices

Find out what’s happening this week.


On-line, in-person or on the phone, you are welcome. Click here for details of all our services.


Click here to find out what we have on this week.


Join us this Lent as we explore the way themes of faith, hope and redemption in our lives. We’ll examine how we can each face and overcome doubt, temptation and prejudice, and how we can begin to live authentic, or more authentic, lives.

It’s based on material from the book “From Now On” by Rachel Mann – an Anglican priest, poet, writer and broadcaster and takes the film “The Greatest Showman” as a starting point. Why not invite your friends and neighbours to come along too!

We’ll meet in the Fellowship Room at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start on the following dates:

Thursday 6th March – when we’ll watch the film

Thursday 20th March

Thursday 3rd April

Thursday 10th April For more information, please speak to Sarah.

Circuit Newsletter.

The quarterly newsletter from the Bramhall & Wythenshawe Methodist Circuit can be found here.

Read our 2023-2024 Annual Report here.


Click here for our Vision 24 document

Giving to the Church

Your financial support of the church is so appreciated.


Visit us at

23 Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 1AL

Both the Church building and Centrepoint site have access and facilities for wheelchair users.

Our office is open 9-12 weekdays.

Contact us on
0161 439 1204 / 07904 328177 during office hours

or email us via

Please note:

Pre-School is on 0161 439 1030.

Thrift Shop and Coffee Shop are on 0161 439 8927.